Archive for August 1, 2013

Car audio modification

Posted: August 1, 2013 in Uncategorized

Car Audio Mistakes1

Many people just spend too much and in some cases go into debt. What can make this particular situation worse is that people go into debt for a system they realize they do not even like. First, figure out how much money there is available to spend. Then decide how much of the car audio system needs to be replaced. At this point plan a budget – how much can you afford to spend? Therefore you can locate system components in your price range. Deciding what is most important in the car audio system and plan to spend more on the important items. Going over budget is the first and most common mistake car audio system buyers make.

Car Audio Mistakes2

Another thing to consider is how much of the car is going to need to be modified for your potential choices. For example, some speaker installation will require many modifications to be made to the car. Modifications will need to be made by a professional and therefore you will have to budget into the total cost of the car audio system parts as well as labor. Another car audio systems mistake is that the owner of the car does not think about the future. How long are you going to keep the car for? Will you sell the car with the new audio system or will you remove it before sale? Remember audio systems never increase the value of a car enough to balance

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what was spent on the audio system in the first place. Also, if you plan on remove the system before you sell the car that could be problematic. Having a radio and an audio system are high priorities when people are searching for a new car to buy.

When and for what do you use the car for? If the car sees a lot of use as well as wear and tear, then buying higher quality components like the car speakers is a great idea. Understandably, if you are spending more time in your car then at home you want to make sure it is as comfortable and entertaining as possible. However, if the car is only used for weekly shopping, low end parts are more appropriate.

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Another car audio system mistake people make is choosing a system, which is not appropriate for the type of music they listen too. This is probably the most important factor, which should influence the choice of the right car audio system. If the music that you enjoy is strong, bass beats then a high-end

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power amplifier is needed. In addition, subwoofers would also be a good choice. However, if your music choice is at the opposite end of the music range then you will need a different audio system setup. For example, if you listen to classical music or trendy pop music, you will need to get a car audio that has a strong speaker system that offer even play of the sound spectrum.

Cirebon, – Mobil milik Mochammad Soleh atau biasa dipanggil Haji Alex ini dikonsepkan untuk memburu penghargaan sebagai Best Elegant Interior. Terbukti hal itu di kondisikan oleh Haji Alex dengan menyulap bagian dalam mobil Toyota Kijang LGX ini dengan konsepnya sendiri.


Sedangkan dibagian depan eksterior kondisi mobil tetap terlihat aslinya, hanya saja sebagai pemanis bagian kaki-kaki dan veleg jadi sasaran untuk di upgrade.”Saya kejar konsep elegant, itu karena memang mobil ini gimana caranya bisa dipakai enak untuk harian tapi bagus juga dilihat, apalagi untuk kontes modifikasi” ucap Haji Alex dari Indonesia Kijang Club.


Urusan meramu bagian dalam Haji Alex melakukan perubahan kabin mobil Toyota Kijang ini di bengkel modifikasi HF Autowork.” Proses instalasi dan merubah semua terutama bagian kabin tengah yah mas, itu memakan waktu hampir 3 bulan, karena saya kan harus ikuti permintaan Haji Alex”ungkap Haji Faturahman dari HF Autowork.

Konsep depan mengusung tema lebih ke audio dan multimedia, lihat saja speaker 3 way Cello bercokol disini dan head unit 2 din dari Alpine. Namun semua lini kabin depan dan pilar dibungkus habis oleh bahan kulit sintetik. Inilah kata Haji Faturahman yang membuat lama pekerjaan. “Nah biar pengemudi nyaman, jok depan saya ganti punya camry, karena modelnya motorize, dan jok depan saya taruh di belakang”ucapnya.


“Yang wah itu dibagian belakang jadi si penumpang bisa nyaman menikmati home theatre berlayar lebar, terus lagi bisa main game Play Station, layaknya dikamar sendiri, karena semua bagian kabin tengah sampai belakang dirombak semua”jelas Haji Fatur. Agar nyaman lantai kabin juga dilapis dengan lantai kayu.



Speaker yang terinstall di konsep home theatre ini dibagian depan dari 2 way Domination, sedangkan bagian surround memakai Rocford Fosgate serta tambahan coaxial, jadi kata H.Fatur efek bioskop yang dramatis bisa dinikmati suaranya. “Kalau mas mau tau juga, TV LCD 39 inch bisa diturunkan dengan memakai remote motorize, kayak mobil limousine dan lagi kita juga bisa karokean lho di dalam mobil” tambah H.Fatur.


Tak hanya habis disitu, ketika membuka pintu bagasi bakal terlihat 3 buah subwoofer dari Rockford Fosgate dan TV Monitor 22 inch. Kata H.Fatur, ini dibuat untuk konsep SQL, jadi bisa show off gitu, fungsinya bisa luar dalam suara yang didapat ketika semua dibunyikan.

Dan guna memenuhi kebutuhan arus H.Fatur menjelaskan semua di drive oleh power 4 channel dari Rockford Fosgate sebanyak 2 unit, itu untuk urusan speaker dan 1 subwoofer yang dibuat model bridge, dan 1 unit power monoblock Rockford Fosgate untuk mndrive 2 unit subwoofer. “Jadi bisa dibilang ada 3 konsep, makanya tadi kan saya bilang dari luar biasa aja, sewaktu lihat di dalam terlihat mewah banget” tutup H. Fatur.



Caring generally easy, especially wrapping seat of synthetic leather or ‘CALP’ sponge. Do not need special materials. Only condition, do not wash the seat by way of flush water. In addition, avoid the use of shoe polish.
“The sponge material when exposed to water will increasingly harden. Can cause cracks in the material. As a result, water will penetrate the layer of foam in the greeting, “said Syafrizal, upholstery modifier ‘Enterprises We’ in numbers Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

Before cleaning leather upholstery layer of sponge material, provide the following materials. First, a dry cloth can also wear leather chamois cloth. Prepare a mixture of liquid cooking oil with kerosene.

The best way, first clean the upholstery layer with a dry cloth or chamois cloth. Actually this way is enough. But if there are stains on the upholstery layer is attached, can be removed with the mixture fluid. Way, drops of fluid on the stain or it could be the end of a cloth moistened with a bit of liquid. Then rub gently.

“Never use shoe polish for polishing, because of different leather upholstery with leather boots, pants instead be fouled when we sit in the seat,” added Syafrizal.

For treatment, avoid seats from rain and sun. If rainy conditions, could soon find shelter. So also when parked, find a shady spot or use something to cover the seat of the scorching sun.

Jika anda seorang penggemar mesin V8 dalam mobil mungil dengan hidung F1-inspired, anda akan menyukai hal ini. Mercedes SLK 55 AMG R171 menerima makeover kosmetik yang benar-benar keren dari MEC Design.


Bahasa desain yang diracik oleh Mercedes tetap tak berubah, namun daya tariknya meningkat setelah velgnya berganti dengan ConDeni Nobilis 1 piece. Mereka berukuran 19 x 8.5 didepan dan 19 x 9.5 dibelakang, dan selesai dalam warna hitam dipalangnya dan warna merah untuk lipsnya.


MEC Design juga bermain dengan suspensi AMG dan menurunkannya sedikit. Minor change lainnya termasuk LED mirror indicators dan Roof One Touch module hack yang memungkinkan anda untuk membuka atap saat sedang berjalan. (autoevolution 30/7/2013)


